Sep 07th, 2023
Buying a Vehicle for your Small Business? Keep these 5 things in mind…
Have you just started your own Small Business?
Maybe you’re looking to expand.
Either way, we’re going to guess that you’ve considered the idea of purchasing a car, ute or truck to help you out.
Like any large purchase in life, there are plenty of things to consider, to make sure you’re doing what’s best for you and your business.
Here are the top 5 things to consider before purchasing a vehicle for your Small Business:
1. Will it Suit your Business Needs?
Planning on buying a Smart Car for your Tradie business? Maybe a Lamborghini for your new Courier venture?
No, probably not – it’s not very practical, is it?
Ok, this is a slightly excessive example, but you get the picture. The moral of the story here is to purchase a vehicle that’s practical for your business – does it help you out day-to-day? Is it efficient for your needs? Will it provide you with adequate storage, and functionality?
For some businesses the entire operation relies upon the vehicle – storage of tools, carrying of goods, you name it. On the other hand, for other businesses, your car will just get you and your skills from A to B.
So, consider what is essential for you and your business, and act accordingly!
The vehicle’s purchase can be made either through the business or directly by you. This will primarily depend upon what you envisage to be the proportion of time spent driving for the business, compared to driving for leisure.
Whichever you choose will have differing implications to tax and your available deductions, so check out the ATO’s advice HERE (LINK WEBSITE) and have a chat to your accountant to ensure you’re doing what’s best for you.
Along the lines of what’s above –the purchase being through you or your business, it is important to consider what’s right for you when it comes to financing options. Novated leases, traditional loans (known as chattel leases), and finance leases provide great options no matter your business’ circumstances.
If you’re a sole trader, you’ll have the opportunity to shop for both consumer and business loans, meaning you have more options to find what’s right for you.
4. Operating Costs
It’s not just the purchase of the car itself that you have to be aware of when buying a vehicle for your business. Make sure to take into account other associated costs such as fuel, servicing, repairs, insurance, and registration.
At the end of the day, this all adds up, so make sure you have a budget in mind prior to making a purchase.
5. Tax Benefits
As a business owner, you have a number of expenses that you’re able to claim as a deduction come tax time. All of the operating costs we mentioned above may be tax deductible, as well as things like interest on your loan and the GST on the purchase.
Hold onto those receipts, and keep everything in the back of your mind. Being aware of these potential benefits when you purchase the vehicle will make your life easier when the financial year finishes – plus your accountant will love you for it!
Planning on purchasing a vehicle for your small business, but not sure where to start? Rostron has your back.
Feel free to give us a call on 1300 70 70 39 – we’d love to help!